Food, Travel & Entrepreneurship
Food, Travel & Entrepreneurship: this is my reality.
Travel Retail is my profession, Food is my obsession, Cooking is my passion. I have climbed to the top of the hierarchy of a multi-national group specialized in luxury brands. However, I left the corporate world to fulfill my entrepreneurial dream and started my own business while raising a family. Both my sons are my greatest achievement, I’ll share more about my family in my posts. But my path has been bumpy, filled with obstacles and challenges. But then, I grew stronger and more appreciative of what has been achieved.
Los Angeles is now my home, which I happily share with my significant other Guido J. My siblings are spread all over the world: Paris, Geneva, New York and Los Angeles, but we are a close-knit family. Born in Vietnam, I am fluent in 5 languages and have traveled the world both for work and leisure. My favorite travel memories, to name a few: Camping on a Safari in S.Africa, island hopping in the Galapagos, watching the sunrise in Angkor Wat and the sunset over Jerusalem, hiking in Patagonia, scuba diving in Tahiti, snorkeling with whale sharks in Mexico, golfing in a private island in Belize, eating in Tuscany, last but not least a trip down memory lane to Vietnam. These travels led me to make amazing encounters like the most famous butcher in the world.
I love to taste new cuisines and replicate a favorite dish at home, to share with my family and friends. My palate is pretty good, our late parents used to indulge us with gourmet food as early as I can remember. I’m also popular among friends for throwing fun theme parties with great food, wine and music. I’m a self taught home cook, so whatever I can do, you could do better!
I hope my experience, lifestyle and pearls of wisdom would bring you some motivation and inspiration, and encourage you to move forward with change; First, attempt a small step like trying a new recipe or cuisine like Asian food, or take a stride like taking a course for self-growth, or perhaps leap forward with a new side hustle or business,
Changing is a must to stay relevant, especially during / after the Pandemic, as life as we know it, would never be the same again. Join me and let’s evolve together.
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